I made a mistake and it made me really worried and concerned. I cudn't sleep. I kept goin back to check up on it. It gave me nightmares the whole night. Really turnedme off. I felt like a loser and really wanted to quit.
My life is nothing short of a mess right now. I better get my house in order.
I should start what I am suppsoed to be doing soon or I'll be in a lot of trouble.
I just cannot seem to concentrate.
Oh and I am beginning to hate some of the people around me.
Is it them or is it the fact that I continue to get used by them? I cannot really decide.
But it seems that I have been a nice guy for far too long.
It seems to have got me nowhere.
What the hell am I thiniking?
I am not really sure.
I jsut want to break away and break free of everything . . .