Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A silent revolution II : Divide et Impera

"In his historical survey Constantine's Sword, James P. Carroll writes,
Typically, imperial powers depend on the inability of oppressed local populations to muster a unified resistance, and the most successful occupiers are skilled at exploiting the differences among the occupied. Certainly that was the story of the British Empire's success, and its legacy of nurtured local hatreds can be seen wherever the Union Flag flew, from Muslim-Hindu hatred in Pakistan and India, to Catholic-Protestant hatred in Ireland, to, yes, Jew-Arab, hatred in modern Israel. Ancient Rome was as good at encouraging internecine resentments among the occupied as Britain ever was."

For 37 days , the young doctors protested. Yet no-one cared for them.The patients suffered. And a huge backlog was created. Yet those in power do not care either about the patients or the doctors.

Let them strike. We can bring in new doctors. They say.

They are the "MESSIAH". They must suffer.

We cannot give them money. Sorry. We cannot give them respect. Sorry.

Everything is for the rulers.

After striking for 37 days the doctors ended their strike ( even without getting anything) on the promise of the CM that their demands will be looked into.

But that was the beginning of the end. The so called "committee" formed to looked into the problems and present a solution within 2 weeks initially used delay tactics.

And now it has dangled the bait of money in front of the doctors.They will be given pay raises but nothing else.It is a hard bait to refuse. And a lot many of the doctors are more than willing to accept it.

Some of the doctors were already SELLOUTS. They are hailing this as a great achievement of the rulers.

The rulers themselves without even paying a dime are portraying themselves as heroes.

But it is the stupid doctors who will now get caught in the crossfire. The people already think that they are being payed heavy sums which is not the case. And with this announcement the government has very cleverly both divided the doctors and also given the impression that it has already solved the doctors problems.

This is far from the truth.

But it is time the doctors change their strategy or else face annihilation.

Not all battles can be won with swords. . . some need brains . . .

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